The ABOUT US page is typically where companies toot their horn.
The place where they brag and wax lyrical about all the amazing stuff they do, all the great stuff they've done, and going to do.
It's where the page content is written in the third person because that is kinda how it's usually written in an about us page, even though it's usually the site owner who writes all the stuff!
However, at Transform and Transcend, we thought we'll do it differently and make it about YOU! An ABOUT US page that's actually about you!
Because we understand that without you, our client, our patron, our esteemed customer, we simply won't exist!
So, the big questions we want to ask you are:
As a business what do you want to become?
What is the BIG dream?
What does success look like for you?
Whatever it is you are ultimately looking to achieve, we'll help you get there. We'll help you NAVIGATE this highly challenging and competitive business environment and stack the odds of success in your favour.
We will LISTEN and UNDERSTAND your issues. It ’s about YOUR challenges becoming our challenges.
Ultimately it’s all about:
That's what drives us and what we are all about.
Just for fun. I thought I'll add a regular 'about us' piece and write it in the third person, along with a hero corporate shot, so here goes...
Ashok Miranda is a Business Transformation Architect and founder of Transform and Transcend.
As an Author, Speaker, Consultant and Trainer, he is passionately committed to architecting a better business world by building purpose-driven companies and customer-centric brands.
He is on a mission is to help businesses transform and rise to greatness. To empower business leaders, founders and business owners with the wisdom, insights and strategies on company culture, branding, marketing and customer experience, to build their dream business they always wanted.
Ashok has extensive brand-building experience with the world’s leading media entertainment companies; Walt Disney Television and Sony Pictures.
He has won 43 international and regional awards for creative and marketing excellence, personally and for the teams he led. He is the author of the book Culling Culturitis

Ashok is a compelling storyteller and captivating speaker and trainer. He is regularly invited to guest lecture, conduct his transformative master classes and training programs at Singapore's top universities, Singapore's Chambers of Commerce and at major industry events and conferences.

Ashok's inspiring and game-changing talks and training programs have sparked change and helped transform thousands of business leaders, executives, business owners, and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Ashok is a Registered Management Consultant, recognized by Enterprise Singapore. If you are an SME registered in Singapore, you can avail of CDG grants for consulting projects done with Transform and Transcend.
You can get up to 70% of the project costs funded, provided you meet the criteria.
I'd love to hear about your business.
Drop me a quick note or just call for a no-obligation chat and let me know what you are looking to achieve, what is your dream
and some challenges you have in achieving your success.
I'll be more than happy to help.

(+65) 90119645
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Transform and Transcend is a Singapore registered company
© Transform and Transcend 2016-22
All rights reserved